Generating vessels from a dataset#

In this example we will discuss how to generate vessels from existing dataset in OpenTNSim and how to analyse specific locking output.

We take the following steps:

  1. Imports

  2. Create vessel

  3. Create graph

  4. Run simulation

  5. Inspect output

1. Imports#

We start with importing the required libraries

# package(s) related to time, space and id
import datetime, time
import platform
import random
import os
import pathlib
import warnings

# you need these dependencies (you can get these from anaconda)
# package(s) related to the simulation
import simpy

# spatial libraries 
import pyproj
import shapely.geometry
from simplekml import Kml, Style

# package(s) for data handling
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation

import opentnsim 
import opentnsim.core as core
import opentnsim.graph_module as graph_module
import opentnsim.plot as plot
import opentnsim.model as model

# Used for mathematical functions
import math             

# Used for making the graph to visualize our problem
import networkx as nx  

from shapely.errors import ShapelyDeprecationWarning
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ShapelyDeprecationWarning) 
# Graph location
src_dir = pathlib.Path(opentnsim.__file__).parent.parent

# Graph location
location_graph = src_dir / "notebooks"
name_graph = location_graph / "Shape-Files" / "Rotterdam-Antwerpen-corridor" / "edges_2.shp"

# Vessel database
location_vessel_database = location_graph / "Vessels" / "richtlijnen-vaarwegen-2017.csv"

print('This notebook has been tested with OpenTNSim version {}'.format(opentnsim.__version__))
This notebook has been tested with OpenTNSim version 1.3.7

2. Create vessel#

The following section shows how to use the file richtlijnen-vaarwegen-2017.csv as a database for generating vessels. Inspect the file be opening it in excel to get a feel for how these datasets are structured and how you can use pandas to process this data.

#Load in the data
vessel_db = pd.read_csv(location_vessel_database)
vessel_db['v'] = 1
vessel_db['B'] = vessel_db['width']
vessel_db['type'] = vessel_db['vessel_type']
vessel_db['L'] = vessel_db['length']
vessel_id vessel_type width length height_empty height_full draught_empty draught_full capacity installed_power v B type L
0 12ad8a02-4aef-11e9-9940-b469212bff5b CEMT - I 5.05 38.5 4.65 3.35 1.2 2.5 365 175 1 5.05 CEMT - I 38.5
1 17746aee-4aef-11e9-8ebf-b469212bff5b CEMT - II 6.60 55.0 5.80 4.60 1.4 2.6 615 250 1 6.60 CEMT - II 55.0
2 1be5fb2e-4aef-11e9-9bfb-b469212bff5b CEMT - III 8.20 85.0 6.30 5.10 1.5 2.7 1250 435 1 8.20 CEMT - III 85.0
3 208a5aca-4aef-11e9-b7e9-b469212bff5b CEMT - IV 9.50 105.0 6.70 5.30 1.6 3.0 2040 690 1 9.50 CEMT - IV 105.0
4 24f93100-4aef-11e9-8ff9-b469212bff5b CEMT - Va 11.40 135.0 7.10 5.40 1.8 3.5 3735 1425 1 11.40 CEMT - Va 135.0

We start with creating a vessel class. We call this class a Vessel, and add a number of OpenTNSim mix-ins to this class. Each mix-in requires certain input parameters.

The following mix-ins are sufficient to create a vessel for our problem:

  • Identifiable - allows to give the vessel a name and a random ID,

  • Movable - allows the vessel to move, with a fixed speed, while logging this activity,

    • Movable in turn relies on the mix-ins: Locatable, Routeable, and Log

  • VesselProperties - allows to give the vessel specific properties,

  • HasContainer - allows vessel to have cargo on board,

  • HasResource - allows vessel to be requested

These mixi-ins and the vessels_db dataframe are then combined in the vessel generator:

# Vessel type
Vessel = type('Vessel', 
                  core.Identifiable, core.Movable, core.HasContainer, 
                  core.VesselProperties, core.HasResource, core.Routeable,

generator = model.VesselGenerator(Vessel, vessel_db)

3. Create graph#

The cel below visualizes the problem. In graph theory the red dots are called edges and the lines are called vertices. Vessels (or any other object) move from edge 1 to edge 3 and from edge 4 to edge 2. The added complexity is that vertice 5-6 only allows traffic in one direction at a time. Vessels can travel simultanously in one direction.


If you use windows and get the following error “ImportError: read_shp requires OGR:”, you probably have this issue. Solving it is possible by running the following commands in your terminal (as explained here):

#Create a new virtual environment
conda create -n testgdal -c conda-forge gdal vs2015_runtime=14

#Activate virtual environment
activate testgdal

#Open Jupyter notebook
jupyer notebook
graph = graph_module.Graph()
graph.from_shape(location_graph, name_graph)

4. Run simulation#

# Start simpy environment
simulation_start =
env = simpy.Environment(initial_time = time.mktime(simulation_start.timetuple()))

# Add graph to environment
graph.add_resources(list(graph.graph.edges), np.ones(len(list(graph.graph.edges))), env)
env.FG = graph.graph
def start(env, vessel):
    while True:
        vessel.log_entry_v0("Start sailing",, "0", vessel.geometry)
        yield from vessel.move()
        vessel.log_entry_v0("Stop sailing",, "0", vessel.geometry)

        if vessel.geometry == nx.get_node_attributes(env.FG, "geometry")[vessel.route[-1]]:
vessels = []

# Add 10 vessels to the simulation
for i in range(10):
    random_1 = random.choice(list(graph.graph))
    random_2 = random.choice(list(graph.graph))
    path = nx.dijkstra_path(graph.graph, random_1, random_2)
    vessel = generator.generate(env, "Vessel " + str(i))
    vessel.route = path
    vessel.geometry = nx.get_node_attributes(env.FG, "geometry")[vessel.route[0]]
    # Add the movements of the vessel to the simulation
    env.process(start(env, vessel))
# Run simulation

5. Inspect output#

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(vessel.log)
0 2024-05-30 09:35:54.000000
1 2024-05-30 09:35:54.000000
2 2024-05-30 09:47:58.196682
3 2024-05-30 09:47:58.196682
4 2024-05-30 10:18:27.008385