Defining a basic vessel

Defining a basic vessel#

In this notebook, we show how to setup a simple transport network.

We take the following steps:

  1. Imports

  2. Create vessel

  3. Inspect results

1. Imports#

We start with importing required libraries

# package(s) used for geo-spatial operations
import pyproj
import shapely.geometry

# package(s) related to the simulation (creating the vessel, running the simulation)
import opentnsim

print('This notebook is executed with OpenTNSim version {}'.format(opentnsim.__version__))
This notebook is executed with OpenTNSim version 1.3.7

2. Create vessel#

We start with creating a vessel class. We call this class a Vessel, and add a number of OpenTNSim mix-ins to this class. Each mix-in requires certain input parameters.

The following mix-ins are sufficient to create a vessel for our problem:

  • Identifiable - allows to give the vessel a name and a random ID,

  • Movable - allows the vessel to move, with a fixed speed, while logging this activity,

    • Movable in turn relies on the mix-ins: Locatable, Routeable, and Log

# make your preferred Vessel class out of available mix-ins. 
Vessel = type('Vessel', 
               opentnsim.core.Movable), {})
# create a dict with all important settings
data_vessel = {"env": None,
               "name": "Vessel 1",
               "geometry": shapely.geometry.Point(0, 0),  # lon, lat
               "route": None,
               "v": None}
# create the TransportResource using the dict as keyword value pairs
vessel = Vessel(**data_vessel)

3. Inspect results#

We can now show that a vessel object is created with all indicated properties

{'v': None,
 'env': None,
 'logbook': [],
 'route': None,
 'position_on_route': 0,
 'complete_path': None,
 'geometry': <POINT (0 0)>,
 'node': None,
 'wgs84': Geod(ellps='WGS84'),
 'on_pass_edge_functions': [],
 'on_pass_node_functions': [],
 'name': 'Vessel 1',
 'id': 'b2b39d30-d205-4901-9079-c7d6667b98e1'}

More complex behaviours can be simulated by including more mix-ins.